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FIMS Graduate Student Services
FHS Dean's Office
519-661-2111 ext. 88918
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Health Information Science

Graduate studies in Health Information Science
Western’s Faculty of Information and Media Studies (FIMS) and Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) offer three joint degrees: a PhD in Health Information Science, a one year, course-based Master of Health Information Science and a two year, thesis-based Master of Health Information Science. The PhD program is a research-intensive program designed for students who want to do independent, original research in health information science. The master's options are geared to either continued academic study, or entry into the job field.
Find out more about each program
Gain skills & knowledge in a rapidly expanding area of research
All three degree options provide students with fundamental knowledge in health and health care, including:
- Public health
- Health informatics and digital health
- Health policy and clinical health care
- Knowledge organization and management
- Knowledge translation
- Patient and professional information seeking behaviour
- Information ethics and policy
Which Master of Health Information Science option is right for you?
If you're interested in master's level study but are not sure which MHIS program is right for you, refer to the diagram below to help you make a choice based on your longer term goals.