With over 10,000 FIMS alumni out there making a difference in the world, keeping tabs on everyone is hard! Help us stay in touch through outreach opportunities like the alumni newsletter and FIMS Memories Project.
First things first, are you FIMS alumni? We recognize this can be confusing for some due to FIMS' unique origin story, which saw the graduate schools of library and information science and journalism merge in the late 90's to create the Faculty of Information and Media Studies (FIMS). If you graduated from one of these programs dating all the way back to 1945 (GSLIS, SLIS, BA or MA in Journalism), you are indeed FIMS alumni! And we're happy to have you. Present day staff, faculty and students in FIMS recognize that we owe a great deal to Western's legacies in both LIS and Journalism. We don't forget that and we hope you'll help us keep the memories fresh.
And of course, those of you who graduated post-2000 from MIT, MTP, MPI, CAP, Digicomm, PMC, MAJ, MMJC, LIS, HIS or Media Studies are our most recent alumni. Regardless of which era you're from, we're proud to call you part of the FIMS family.