Ira Basen

CanWest Global Fellow in Media
September 1, 2012 - April 30, 2013

Ira BasenTeaching and Research

During his tenure as CanWest Fellow, Mr. Basen taught a graduate elective, “The Future of Journalism in the Digital Age,” and he pursued research that brings together his interests in the future of news in the age of social media, the growth of “brand journalism,” and the future of local news.

Mr. Basen also moderated a panel titled, "Digital Boon or Digital Doom? The Virtual Future of Higher Education," on January 16th, 2013. The panel discussed the possible benefits and pitfalls associated with online and distance education through universities, and featured panelists: George Siemens, Athabasca University; Jonathan Schaeffer, University of Alberta; Elizabeth Hanson, Queen's University; Doug Mann, Western University; Luis von Ahn, Carnegie Mellon University.


Ira Basen has enjoyed a distinguished career in radio, particularly with CBC radio where he served as senior producer for Sunday Morning and Quirks and Quarks. He was also involved in the creation of the network programs, This Morning, The Inside Track, and Workology. More recently, he has produced several one-hour documentaries for CBC’s Sunday Edition, including “Occupy Next,” about the future of the Occupy movement.

Mr. Basen has also written for Saturday Night, Maisoneuve, and The Canadian Journal of Communication, and he is the recipient of numerous radio awards, among them several New York Radio Festival Awards. He has taught previously in the MAJ program, and he has also taught at Ryerson University, the University of Toronto, and at McMaster University.