MMJC Student Council

MMJC students have their own Students' Council, the officers for which are elected each September. The officers meet regularly with the administration and faculty, and the Council sends a representative to the Faculty of Information and Media Studies Council meetings as a voting member.

The Students' Council is responsible for planning social events and for representing the MMJC student body throughout the university. Students are encouraged to participate actively in the academic development of the Faculty of Information and Media Studies by serving on committees of the Council and by proposing changes in the program through their representatives on the Students' Council.

Aims and Objectives:
We exist to represent the student body and foster communication between the students, faculty and staff of FIMS. By participating in the council and committee meetings, we ensure the rights of students are protected and heard, and will undertake advocacy on behalf of individual members of the program. We also ensure our program is represented in SOGS. Our goal is to help create a positive experience for students in the first year of the MMJC program, and help refine the program for future students.