FIMS Profile

Danica Facca

FIMS & Nursing Building Room 4094
University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5B7
Fax: 519-661-3506
  • About Me

  • Teaching

  • Research

  • Publications/Presentations

  • Service

  • Education

Danica [dan-ee-kah]

 she/her | white settler scholar | (digital) health researcher | intersectional feminist | activist

My name is Danica Facca and I'm a PhD candidate in Health Information Science at Western University, where I work and study as a Graduate Fellow under the supervision of Dr. Lorie Donelle. Beyond my doctoral studies, I also work as a Research Coordinator at Lawson Health Research Institute and St. Joseph's Health Care London under the supervision of Dr. Jacobi Elliot. 

My doctoral research is located at the intersection of gender studies, health equity, critical menstrual studies, and critical digital health studies. My work explores trans and non-binary individuals' experiences of menstrual health and the role of 'femtech' (female-health technologies) in supporting menstrual, reproductive, and sexual health more generally. As an allied health researcher, I'm committed to advancing gender-affirming care within menstrual health clinical education, health service delivery, and digital health technology innovation. 

Other areas I study, write, and present on include but are not limited to: digital health (technologies, literacy); menstrual, reproductive, and sexual health; health equity; health information (generation, sharing, system management); digital surveillance within the health/care and research context; data justice; health activism; feminist theory/methodologies; and qualitative inquiry. I remain deeply curious and committed to exploring how the social determinants of health influence health outcomes among equity-deserving groups within the digital health context. I am a supporter of open science and actively seek to align my work with my feminist activism.

While working on my doctorate, I have consistently served my academic communities to further health equity and health information research within local and national contexts. I currently sit on the Board of Directors for The Canadian Association of Information Science and The Women's Health Coalition of Canada, in addition to being an active Trainee Affiliate with the Center for Research on Health Equity and Social Inclusion (CRHESI) at Western University. Furthermore, I co-founded Safe Campus Coalition, a non-profit which aims to educate, support, and build community across Canadian post-secondary campuses to work against the perpetuation of gender-based sexual violence within educational spaces. 

In addition to my research and activism, I've also committed significant time and energy over the course of 2020-2023 to university governance and graduate student affairs through my elected Executive Officer appointments as Vice-President Academic (2020-22) and President (2022-23) at the Society of Graduate Students (SOGS), Western University's graduate student advocacy and government non-profit organization. As of April 2024, I was elected as a Director to sit on the Society of Graduate Students (SOGS) first ever Board of Directors.  

Teaching Experience 

2024 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Winter Term

  Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western University

Course Title: Introduction to Media Studies (MIT 1020E/009)

2023 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Fall Term

  Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western University

Course Title: Introduction to Media Studies (MIT 1020E/009)

2023                Graduate Teaching Assistant, Winter Term

                        Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western University

                        Course Title: Mapping Media and Cultural Theory (MIT 2200G)

2022                Graduate Teaching Assistant, Fall Term

                        Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western University

                        Course Title: The Political Economy of Media (MIT 2100F)

2022 (Lead) Graduate Teaching Assistant, Winter Term

  Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western University

Course Title: Introduction to Media Studies (MIT 1020E/019)

2021 (Lead) Graduate Teaching Assistant, Fall Term

  Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western University

Course Title: Introduction to Media Studies (MIT 1020E/019)

2021 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Winter Term

  Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western University

Course Title: Introduction to Media Studies (MIT 1020E/011)

2020 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Fall Term

  Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western University

Course Title: Introduction to Media Studies (MIT 1020E/011)

2020                Graduate Teaching Assistant, Winter Term

                        Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western University

                        Course Title: Introduction to Media Studies (MIT 1020E/006)

2019                Graduate Teaching Assistant, Fall Term

                        Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western University

                        Course Title: Introduction to Media Studies (MIT 1020E/006)

2019                Graduate Teaching Assistant, Winter Term

                        Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western University

                        Course Title: The Political Economy of Media (MIT 2100G/009)

2018                Graduate Teaching Assistant, Fall Term

                        Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western University

                        Course Title: The History of Communication (MIT 2000F/006)

2017                Teaching Assistant, Winter Term

                        Department of English and Writing Studies, Western University

                        Course Title: Speculative Fiction/Science Fiction (English 2071G/650)

2016                Teaching Assistant, Fall Term

                        Department of English and Writing Studies, Western University

                        Course Title: Speculative Fiction/Fantasy (English 2072F/650)

Pedagogical Training  

2021  Decolonizing Your Online Classroom: Anti-Racist Approaches 

                        Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL), Western University

                        Course Code: Future Prof 2021

2021  Decolonizing Your Online Classroom: Indigenous Approaches 

                        Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL), Western University

                        Course Code: Future Prof 2021

2021  Preparing to Guest Lecture  

                        Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL), Western University

                        Course Code: Future Prof 2021

2020  Articulating Your Teaching Philosophy

                        Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL), Western University

                        Course Code: Future Prof 2020

2020  Teaching Sensitive Topics Online: A Trauma and Violence-Informed Approach  

                        Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL), Western University

                        Course Code: Future Prof 2020

2020  Leadership in Wellness Part 1: Cultivating Student Mental Health  

                        Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL), Western University

                        Course Code: Future Prof 2020

2016  Teaching Assistant Training Program  

                        Centre for Teaching and Learning (CTL), Western University

                        Course Code: TATP Session 4

Research Experience 

2024-            Graduate Fellow 

School of Occupational Therapy, Western University

Supervisor: Dr. Gail Teachman and Dr. Katie Mah

2023-      Graduate Research Assistant

Department of Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies, Western University

Supervisor: Dr. Jessica Polzer and Dr. Monica Molinaro   

2022-      Research Coordinator

 St. Joseph's Health Care London / Lawson Health Research Institute 

 Supervisor: Dr. Jacobi Elliot  

2021        Research Assistant

Faculty of Information, University of Toronto

Supervisor: Dr. Sara Grimes 

 2020              Graduate Fellow 

School of Occupational Therapy, Western University

Supervisor: Dr. Gail Teachman 

2019-21 Research Assistant Level II 

School of Nursing, Fanshawe College

Supervisor/s: Dr. Jodi Hall and Dr. Lorie Donelle 

2019               Graduate Fellow

School of Occupational Therapy, Western University

Supervisor: Dr. Gail Teachman

2018-             Graduate Fellow

Arthur Labatt Family School of Nursing, Western University

Supervisor: Dr. Lorie Donelle  

Awards (Selected) 

2022 Eugenia Canas Memorial Award

2021-22 Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)

2020-21 Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)

2020 HRS Graduate Research Conference Aspire Oral Presentation Doctoral Award

2019                FHS Health Information Science Graduate Conference Travel Award

2016                Western University Dean’s Entrance Scholarship   


Professional Affiliations (Selected) 

2023-  Member, Society for Menstrual Cycle Research

2023-  Affiliated Health Researcher, Rainbow Health Canada

2023-  Member, Women's Health Coalition of Canada 

2021- Member, Centre for Research on Health Equity and Social Inclusion

2020-  Member, Canadian Association for Information Science  

Peer-Reviewed Articles 

Comer, L., Donelle, L., Hiebert, B., Smith, M.J., Kothari, A., Stranges, S., Gilliland, J., Long, J., Burkell, J., Shelley, J.J., Hall, J., Shelley, J.M., Cooke, T., Ngole, M., & Facca, D. (2024). Short- and Long-Term Predicted and Witnessed Consequences of Digital Surveillance During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Scoping ReviewJMIR Public Health & Surveillance. doi: 10.2196/47154

Facca, D., Hall, J., Hiebert, B., & Donelle, L. (2023). Understanding the Tensions of 'Good Motherhood' Through Women's Digital Technology Use: Descriptive Qualitative StudyJMIR Pediatrics & Parenting. doi: 10.2196/48934 

Donelle, L., Comer, L., Hiebert, B., Hall, J., Shelley, J.J., Smith, M.J., Kothari, A., Burkell, J., Stranges, S., Cooke, T., Shelley, J.M., Gilliland, J., Ngole, M., & Facca, D. (2023).  Use of digital technologies for public health surveillance during the COVID-19 pandemic: A scoping reviewDigital Health. doi: 10.1177/20552076231173220

Hiebert, B., Hall, J., Facca, D., & Donelle, L. (2023). “Putting all my eggs into the app”: Self, relational, and systemic surveillance of mothers’ use of digital technologies during the transition to parentingDigital Health. doi: 10.1177/20552076221150742

Hiebert, B., Hall, J., Donelle, L., Facca, D., Jackson, K., & Stoyanovich, E. (2021). "Let me know when I'm needed": Exploring the gendered nature of digital technology use during the transition to parenting. Digital Health. 

Facca, D., & Kinsella, A. (2021). Emergence, multiplicity and connection: Rethinking ethical discernment in qualitative research through a rhizo-ethics approach. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.

Donelle, L., Facca, D., Burke, S., Hiebert, B., Bender, E., & Ling, S. (2021). Exploring Canadian Children's Social Media Use, Digital Literacy, and Quality of Life: A Pilot Study.JMIR Formative Research. 

Donelle, L., Hall, J., Hiebert, B., Jackson, K., Szynal, E., LaChance, J., & Facca, D. (2020). Investigation of Digital Technology Use in the Transition to Parenting. JMIR Pediatrics & Parenting. 

Facca, D., Gladstone, B., & Teachman, G. (2020). Working the limits of 'giving voice' to children: a critical conceptual review. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 19, 1-10. 

Facca, D., Smith, M., Shelley, J., Lizotte, D., Donelle, L. (2020). Exploring the ethical issues in research using digital data collection strategies with minors: A scoping review. PLoS ONE, 15(8), e0237875. 

Wuyou, S., & Facca, D. (2020). Digital Health in a Broadband Land: The role of digital health literacy within rural environments. Health Science Inquiry, 11(1), 140-143.

Rudkovska, A., & Facca, D. (2020).Your emotions are the newest hot commodity and there's an app for that. The Conversation Canada. 

Published Research Reports

Facca, D., Grimes, S., Jacobs, A., Kim, J., King, J.P., & Ozceylan, M. (In press). KMDI Report: Academic TikTok. Knowledge Media Design Institute (KMDI), University of Toronto.

Research Reports (Selected)

Donelle, L., & Facca, D. (2019, March 27). Technology’s Influence on Growing Up (TIGU) Phase 1: Exploring the Link Between Technology Use and Health in Canadian Youth. Research Proposal presented to the Research Officer and Research Committee of the Thames Valley District School Board.

Facca, D. (2019, January 18). Exploring Screen Time and Loneliness Among Canadian Elementary and High-School Students. Research Proposal presented to the Research Officers of the London Catholic District School Board and the Thames Valley District School Board.

Facca, D., & Bender, E. (2018, February 10). Learning it Together (LiT) Research Report: Social Media Use Among Primary School Children. Research Report presented to the Learning it Together Executive Team at Western University.

Conference Presentations (Selected)

Facca, D., Donelle, L., Burke, S., Hiebert, B., Bender, E., & Ling, S. (2021, May 18). “You have to be careful”: Examining Children’s Perspectives Related to Digital Device and Social Media Use Through a Digital Health Lens. Oral presentation at the Western University Nursing Legacy 2021 Research Conference, Virtual Conference. 

Facca, D. (2020, October 22). Big Data in the Digital Health Landscape. Paper presentation at the Faculty of Information and Media Studies (FIMS) Mediations Workshop, London, ON.

Canas, E., Facca, D., Walugembe, D.L., Ikenyei, U., Veenendall, J., & Slominska, A. (2020, October 16). Health Information Science: Perspectives on a discipline in development. Panel presentation at CAIS2020: Diverging Trajectories in Information Science Open Virtual Conference.

Facca, D., Smith, M., Shelley, J., Lizotte, D., & Donelle, L. (2020, August 18). Towards the Co-Production of Ethical Practice in Big Data Research with Minors. Oral presentation at the Western Law & HELP Lab Colloquium. London, ON. 

Facca, D. (2020, June 4). Through the technological mouthpieces of data: Thinking through the use of digital data in research with children. Virtual presentation at Beyond Giving Voice: Advancing theory and methodologies for qualitative research with children.

Facca, D. (2020, February 4). The ‘Digitally Health Literate Child’: Towards a Co-Designed Assessment Tool For Children. Oral presentation at the Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Graduate Research Conference, London, ON.

Facca, D., Donelle, L., Burke, S., Hiebert, B., Bender, E., & Ling, S. (2019, April 7-11). An Exploratory Study of Digital Device Engagement, Social Media, and Wellbeing Among Young Children. Oral presentation at the 23rd IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion, Rotorua, NZ.

Recorded Virtual Conference Presentations (Selected) 

You can view the recording of my talk from the CAIS 2020: Diverging Trajectories in Information Science Open Virtual Conference entitled iKnow: Towards a Co-designed Digital Health Literacy Assessment Tool for Children here.

You can view the recording of my talk from Beyond Giving Voice: Advancing theory and methodologies for qualitative research with children entitled Through the technological mouthpieces of data: Thinking through the use of digital data in research with children here.  

Invited Talks (Selected) 

Facca, D. (2021, March 22). What Does the Data Actually Say? Exploring the Dually Limited Nature of Digital Data in Qualitative Inquiry. Guest talk for Qualitative Query at McMaster University. 


During my studies at Western University (WesternU), I have consistently dedicated my time to service work within my university community and municipal community through university/student governance and community-embedded outreach programs. Throughout all four years of my BA, I volunteered with Learning it Together (LiT): a student-led health promotion mentorship program for elementary grade children in London, ON. In my fourth undergraduate year, I served as Director for LiT and restructured its programming to focus on digital literacy. I continued to volunteer with LiT while completing my MA, in addition to serving as a Councillor for the Graduate English Society (GES) at the Society of Graduate Students (SOGS): Western's graduate student government, advocacy, and non-profit organization.

At the start of my doctoral studies, I served as a PhD Faculty Council Representative for the Graduate Health Information Science Student Association (GHISSA) and advocated for its membership at departmental meetings. During the second year of my doctoral studies, I served as President for GHISSA and worked with my colleagues to strengthen intra- and inter-program collaboration within the Faculty of Information and Media Studies (FIMS).

During the fall of 2021, I was part of the organizing team of the September 17th 2021 Anti-Gender Based Sexual Violence Walk Out at Western University which mobilized a group of over 10,000 attendees and sparked a nationwide movement across postsecondary campuses to address gender-based violence within post-secondary communities. Following this event, I co-founded the non-profit organization Safe Campus Coalition (SCC) with those same colleagues. SCC is committed to taking a trauma-informed approach to educating, supporting, and building community across Canadian post-secondary campuses to work against the perpetuation of gender-based violence within educational spaces and student populations.

Throughout the latter half of my doctorate, I served three years as an Elected Officer at SOGS. Following my two year tenure as Vice President Academic from 2020-2022, I served as President for the 2022-2023 year where I supervised and led an incredibly talented managerial and Executive core team. Throughout my presidency, my team engaged in rigorous data collection and research-driven advocacy projects to secure a commitment of $1.5 million in emergency-based bursary funding for graduate students over 2023-2026 in collaboration with Western's Provost and upper administrative team. Detailed coverage of our funding advocacy and results can be found in local and provincial journalism outlets including The Western Gazette, Education News Canada, and CBC

Professional (Selected) 

2023- Board of Directors, Women's Health Coalition of Canada

2023- Trainee Affiliate, Centre for Research on Health Equity and Social Inclusion

2021- Board of Directors, Canadian Association for Information Science 

Departmental/University (Selected) 

2024- Board of Directors, SOGS

2022- Graduate Student Representative, EDI Graduate Education Working Group, WesternU

2022- Graduate Student Representative, GBSV Advisory Committee, WesternU 

2022- Graduate Student Representative, Strengths Advisory Committee, WesternU

2023—             2022-23 President, SOGS

2020-22 Vice President Academic, SOGS 

2019-20 President, GHISSA 

Community Outreach (Selected) 

2023- Volunteer, Period Equity Project London 

2021- Co-Founder & Advisory Council Member, Safe Campus Coalition (SCC)

2016-18           Research Coordinator, LiT 

2015-16           Director, LiT 


2018-         Doctor of Philosophy Candidate, Health Information Science

                   Western University 

2017           Master's Graduate Specialization, Transitional Justice and Post-Conflict Reconstruction 

                   Western University  

2017     Master of Arts, English Language and Literature 

                   Western University  

2016           Bachelor of Arts Honours, Major English Language and Literature, Major Criminology

                   Western University