For all FIMS undergraduate-related inquiries, including booking appointments, please contact:
Undergraduate Student Services
Choosing the right university is a big decision
Find out more about FIMS from the people who work and study here
Still not sure what to expect as a student in FIMS? MIT alumnus and YouTuber Andrew Gunadie put together his own video explaining what he got out of his experience as a Media, Information & Technoculture student.
Sign-up for one of our Faculty Nights
What’s first year like? What experiences can you have outside the classroom? Why did current students choose FIMS? During FIMS Faculty Nights, you can ask your questions and hear from future professors and peers. There will be student panels, lectures and information about first-year courses.
Check out the 2021 Media Arts Festival
Each year in March, MIT and MPI students have the opportunity to show off some of the work they've done in their courses throughout the year. This year the Festival went virtual and the submissions were posted on the FIMS MakerThinker website to share with the community. Have a look at some recent student work.
Hear more from Simran
Simran chose MIT because it was the only program that combined the critical media theory she wanted with practical skills and a beautiful campus. FIMS helped to develop her curiosity about the world.
Hear more from Spencer
Spencer chose to combine his MIT degree with Music so he can apply his creativity in various production fields. He is building the best experience he can while studying at Western.
Been accepted but not sure what to do next?
Sign up for one of Western's "Your Next Steps" presentations, held throughout April and May, or request to see one that's already been given. Find out everything you need to know between now and your first day of class.