FIMS Profile

Mark Ambrogio

  • About Me

  • Teaching

  • Publications

  • Service


Mark is a PhD student in Library & Information Science and his supervisor is Dr. Paulette Rothbauer.

After studying Political Science and Theology at Western, Mark went on to Wilfrid Laurier and York universities, where he studied Religion & Culture and Humanities.  While at York (and for a few years after), Mark assisted in a special research project, transcribing the correspondence of John Tyndall (1820 - 1893).


Mark's research interests can be described as two-fold.  Firstly, Mark is primarily interested in readership studies; more specifically, in studying how readers interact with (and help define) genre fiction -- science fiction, in particular.  Mark is interested in buillding upon different models of reading and typologies of readers, to better understand the relationship that readers have with genre.  This research sees readers as journeying, in their exploration of genre, building upon Thomas Tweed's concept of "crossing and dwelling" and Michel de Certeau's concept of "poaching."

Mark was interviewed about his principal research interests for the radio show GradCast, the official show and podcast of the Society of Graduate Students, which primarily showcases graduate student research.  His interview aired on Radio Western, at 11 am on May 9, 2023.

Secondly, Mark is interested in the archival preservation of southwestern Ontario history and how local archives interact with other so-called "GLAM" institutions (galleries, libraries, archives, & museums).


American studies, archives, cultural studies, genre fiction, information science, leisure, libraries, Ontario history, reading, science fiction
Teaching Assistant (TA) experience:

Western University, Faculty of Information & Media Studies (FIMS):
Courses in Media, Information, and Technoculture / Media and Communication Studies

MIT 1050B:  Navigating our Media Landscape:  Winter Term, 2024
MIT 2100F:  Political Economy of the Media:  Fall Term, 2022; Fall Term, 2023 (with tutorial)
MIT 2200G:  Mapping Media and Cultural Theory:  Winter Term, 2023 (with tutorial)
MIT 3100G:  Information and the Public Sphere:  Winter Term, 2022
MIT 2000F:  History of Communication:  Fall Term, 2021

Wilfrid Laurier University, Department of Religion & Culture:

RE 216:  Christianity and Modern Culture:  Winter Term, 2006
RE 236:  Christian Ethics and Canadian Social Problems:  Fall Term, 2005

Mark has written two chapters towards a book, Panes of Courage, whose primary author is the Rev. Dr. Michael R. Prieur, a retired Professor of Theology at St. Peter's Seminary, an institution affiliated to Western.  Publication of the book is anticipated for sometime between October 2024 and January 2025.  This book focuses on the art and history of the Gothic Revival chapel at Brescia University College, another Western institution.  Of Ursuline heritage, Brescia fully integrated into Western and ceased operations as a separate institution, as of May 1, 2024.


At its July 2023 meeting, London City Council voted to select Mark as a member of the Community Advisory Committee on Planning.

Mark presently volunteers in the Michael R. Prieur Archives in the library of St. Peter's Seminary.  

Mark serves as the 2022 - 25 Secretary for the Canadian Association for Information Science.

Additionally, Mark is an active volunteer in the chapel at Brescia University College, one of Western's affiliated colleges, and sits on the graduate student council.