Faculty News
Western launches new online MLIS program
The Faculty of Information and Media Studies is pleased to be able to offer a new Canadian option for students looking to complete a Master of Library and Information Science degree online.
Independent Media: Fact or Fiction
Award-winning journalist Kathy Gannon has been named the next FIMS Asper Fellow. Gannon reported for AP for decades from Afghanistan, Pakistan and other locations in the Middle East and Central Asia. In 2014, she was nearly killed on the job.
3 potential consequences of Ontario's reluctance to deem intimate partner violence an epidemic
The Conversation, November 13 - Health Information Science doctoral student Eden Hoffer discusses the merits of declaring intimate partner violence an epidemic in Ontario.
'A Different Man' examines tensions between personal identity and societal expectations
FIMS PhD Media Studies student Billie Anderson shares her insights on the new film 'A Different Man' and how it pushes the conversation about our perceptions of disability.